środa, 11 lipca 2012

Why Not Need an IQ Test to Get into College?

With all the different things which are needed during the process of applying for college, some wonder whether they need to take the IQ test to get in. And the answer for those is NO. This seems to be not very trustful, because you think that colleges want to know how intelligent their students are. However, do you think that a high IQ score dose not have any relation to your success in college?

The way colleges determine if you will be successful in their colleges or not is by the your score of ACT or SAT, by your writing quality, and your results in your high school or in your current college in case you want to be transferred. They do not require any IQ test, even though this idea has come up in several online forums. Some think that maybe IQ can help reduce the number of dropouts from college. So far, there is no college takes this route.

Your ability of solving problem is measured on an ACT or SAT test and can be a very good gauge of how well you will study in college. The IQ may be not necessarily a good gauge of how well you can study in college, though it is used casually to determine what you can achieve and how far you can go in life.

The reason colleges do not use any IQ test for their determination is virtually unknown. They simply have not done that before, and nobody has made up the idea good enough for people to make that. Likely if you do not have an IQ score high enough in order to get into college, your future is completely dark. If you really have the desire, drive, GPA as well as standardized test scores in order to get into college, your future will be great.

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